dailybell: 12/31/23 - 1/7/24

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

gopher food?

January 2, 2024. Sunset 5:02 PM. San Francisco, CA.

Running late this evening! Joined by this little fellow who has grown quite a bit in these past few days-- We'll keep an eye out-- Anyone know anything about mushrooms????

Monday, January 1, 2024

early start across the Atlantic

January 1, 2024. Sunrise 7:07 AM.

“First sunrise of 2024 Ft. Lauderdale, FL from my friend Van.” – Joe P

Song A Day for a Month New Year's Offering by Alex Wand

January 1, 2024. Sunrise 6:58 AM. Los Angeles, CA.

“Happy new year! I just did another dailybell ringing at sunrise, new years day. Made a little song about it too
Happy sadfam, everyone!

Here's the sadfam records bandcamp
Thanks for subscribing! We'll start releasing a few albums and singles in the next month or two.
Hope you're having a great start to the new year, Brenda!

Crumbled rock and petroglyphs,
We kept the law but forgot the myth,
So we stare into the dark with no candles lit,

Until the sun comes up over the horizon
The sun over the horizon brings in
A wondrous new year, light of all lights
And bells of brass and silver are ringing when the
The sun comes up over the horizon.

The story goes that the water split,
And the darkest night was the greatest gift,
But somewhere along the line, we went adrift.

Still every year,

The sun comes up over the horizon
The sun over the horizon brings in
A wondrous new year, light of all lights
And bells of brass and silver are ringing when
The sun comes up over the horizon.

And this morning Jessica and I were ringing our bells right at sunrise, 7 am.

-Alex Wand

Sunday, December 31, 2023

With hope and love as the new year dawns.

January 1, 2024
Happy New Year!

My friend Tina has sustained a quiet and still practice of being with the morning as it stirs. I love this series, and Tina has graciously allowed me to share it--
With hope and love as the new year dawns
- Brenda

from Tina-
Sending you dark-to-light time greetings and love.
Here are some sunrises from my homelands, where I was from August until Dec 15. Every morning I did a pre-dawn walk along the lake (Rainy Lake), sometimes taking photos of the sunrise.
These are from some mornings November and December when I had either my cell phone or small Canon or both. I always thought of you and imagined bells across the lands.
Sorry no sounds, just listening

Last sunset of 2023

December 31, 2023. Sunset 5:00 PM. San Francisco, CA.
More views of the last sunset of 2023...
this one from Lynne Piade
Thanks for this sliver of sunset and a glimpse of your captive, but growing audience there on your windowsill

Tracking the last sunset of the year from the East Bay to the sea-

Happy New Year! As the World Turns

Thank you Rae from what looks like the East Bay hills and Thea from East Richmond through downtown SF with Lynne P to 14 blocks from the Pacific Ocean with Norman Matt and Kiki.
Wishing everyone a brighter, better tomorrow.

December 31, 2023. Sunset 4:59 PM. Albany, CA.

"almost sunset on the last day of 2023...”wishing you a happy, healthy 2024, Brenda. I am so grateful for you and for our friendship"
Rae D--
Thank you Rae for this last glimpse of the turn away from the sun for 2023. Happy New Year!

December 31, 2023. Sunset 4:59 PM. East Richmond, CA.
"happy new year from the Richmond Hills!"
-Thea F

December 31, 2023. Sunset 5:00 PM. San Francisco, CA.
More views of the last sunset of 2023...

Thanks for this sliver of sunset and a glimpse of your captive, but growing audience there, Lynne

December 31, 2023. Sunset 5:01 PM. San Francisco, CA.
Matt and Kiki join Norman and I for the last sunset of the year 14 blocks from the end of the continental US.


I'm catching up with the older missing posts- please check back in a few days if you are curious