dailybell: 12/10/23 - 12/17/23

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

probably pretty everywhere

December 13, 2023. Sunset 4:50 PM. Albany, CA.

"Sunset from Indian Rock. Hope it's pretty there, too "
- Krys
(looking West over the San Francisco Bay. You can see both the Bay and the Golden Gate bridges)!

Sunday, December 10, 2023

still covid careful around here

December 10, 2023. Sunset 5:50 PM. San Francisco, CA.

Even under the weather, Tony pops down from next door to join us at sunset-- standing apart from our returned friends, Elisabeth and Richard who arrived just in time-- bearing their own bells and noisemakers (as usual)-

We’re still riding the earliest sunset for a few more days—The turnaround is imminent…