dailybell: Tracking the last sunset of the year from the East Bay to the sea-

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Tracking the last sunset of the year from the East Bay to the sea-

Happy New Year! As the World Turns

Thank you Rae from what looks like the East Bay hills and Thea from East Richmond through downtown SF with Lynne P to 14 blocks from the Pacific Ocean with Norman Matt and Kiki.
Wishing everyone a brighter, better tomorrow.

December 31, 2023. Sunset 4:59 PM. Albany, CA.

"almost sunset on the last day of 2023...”wishing you a happy, healthy 2024, Brenda. I am so grateful for you and for our friendship"
Rae D--
Thank you Rae for this last glimpse of the turn away from the sun for 2023. Happy New Year!

December 31, 2023. Sunset 4:59 PM. East Richmond, CA.
"happy new year from the Richmond Hills!"
-Thea F

December 31, 2023. Sunset 5:00 PM. San Francisco, CA.
More views of the last sunset of 2023...

Thanks for this sliver of sunset and a glimpse of your captive, but growing audience there, Lynne

December 31, 2023. Sunset 5:01 PM. San Francisco, CA.
Matt and Kiki join Norman and I for the last sunset of the year 14 blocks from the end of the continental US.

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