dailybell: With hope and love as the new year dawns.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

With hope and love as the new year dawns.

January 1, 2024
Happy New Year!

My friend Tina has sustained a quiet and still practice of being with the morning as it stirs. I love this series, and Tina has graciously allowed me to share it--
With hope and love as the new year dawns
- Brenda

from Tina-
Sending you dark-to-light time greetings and love.
Here are some sunrises from my homelands, where I was from August until Dec 15. Every morning I did a pre-dawn walk along the lake (Rainy Lake), sometimes taking photos of the sunrise.
These are from some mornings November and December when I had either my cell phone or small Canon or both. I always thought of you and imagined bells across the lands.
Sorry no sounds, just listening

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